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Looking For Personal Training In Vancouver

Posted on: 12-Jan-2022
Expiry Date: 12-Jan-2024

(CAD) $10

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, CA


We at FIT BODY BY GEORGE know that you're looking for Personal Training in Vancouver. So, we want to help! If it's not too much trouble give us your information and one of our team will be happy to call up within 24 hours with options on what classes work best with how busy/ schedules etc. We also offer Group Personal Training sessions if there are other individuals who would like some guidance alongside their weight loss goals or just need an extra sweat session.

The goal here is for me ( GST )to teach about human performance using three aspects: mind-body connection; understanding food intake patterns through analysis or tracking what we eat over time - this includes carb counts too! Finally there's some general fitness advice including mobility & stability exercises that can help prevent injuries while maximizing results from your workouts, so call us our local Personal Trainer in Vancouver today.

 Personal Training Vancouver

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Join Date: Jan 2022
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